Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When Vietnam Changes Its Political Landscape as Burma Printer-friendly version

On February 2, 2012, the National Endowment for Democracy hosted an event to meet three leading activists from Burma after Burma has opened up its doors for political reform. The key speakers are:
Zaganar, comedian, founder of Thee Lay Lee and the Multi-Colour Troupe and former political prisoner.
Khin Than Myint, leading advocate for women's rights and member of the National League for Democracy.
Bauk Gyar, Kachin activist and member of the National Democratic Force political party.
A luncheon address by Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.
The Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation has sent a delegation from US, Mr. Hoang Duong, and from Canada, Venerable TT Dhammo.
During the event, the human rights issues had been presented and discussed. The human rights violations against the ethnic minorities in the Kachin state were also brought up. The vulnerable situations of the ethnic minorities in the Kachin states are pretty similar to the Khmer-Krom in Mekong Delta.
A representative from the Human Rights Foundation also raised the question regarding the genocide of the ethnic minorities and would like to understand who would be responsible for the ethnic cleansing. Will the ethnic minority have justice after the political landscape is changed in Burma?
At this event, Venerable TT Dhammo and Mr. Duong had a chance to meet the human rights activists and representatives from the U.S. government. Hopefully, one day, NED will host an event like this for the human rights activists, especially the Khmer-Krom human rights activists, in Vietnam to share their experiences to seek for their fundamental rights. Originally posted at: khmerkrom.net